For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for creating things. I was always one of those kids that had a box of crayons in my hand and made the world my canvas- literally, much to the dismay of the walls in my house. I was amazed at all of the artists that I had seen in books and on tv, and I so badly wanted to do what they did. As I got older, I began to take art more seriously, and with the rise of Youtube, I found more artists and creators that I could watch and learn from. I taught myself how to draw and paint from every resource I could. I drew daily, rapidly improving my art skills, and slowly but surely, I began to realize “I can do this art thing, too!”

I’ve always used art to express myself, even when I didn’t realize it, and being very introverted, I’ve always spent a lot of time in my own head. I started to make up stories and characters to go with them, and so began my love of storytelling which carries on throughout all of my art today. Art became more than just marks on paper to me, it became a way to tell stories, and the characters in my art became like friends.

All I want to do with my art is to spread love and joy to everyone. I want to inspire others to follow their dreams and let them know that there’s someone out there that believes in them and that loves them.

Welcome to the happy little world that is TaylorBug Studios. Here, a fun cast of cute characters will be sure to speak to your heart. Stay a while, Friend. You’re always welcome here.

About Taylor

What Type of Art Do you Create?

I create many different types of art because I don’t like to stick to just one thing. I like creating semi-realistic surrealist paintings, realistic graphite drawings, storybook inspired illustrations, and sometimes I do something entirely new. My favorite type of art to create are illustrations because I love telling stories.

What Inspires Your Art?

My art is inspired by multiple different things depending on the style that I’m working in that day, but primarily I’m inspired by children’s story books, comics, cartoons, vintage illustrations, modern sculpture, everyday objects, nature, and famous surreal and classical artwork. Truthfully, I think a little bit of everything inspires me. I am also guided in the creation of my artwork by constantly asking myself the questions “How can I make this cute” or “How can I make this weird?”

What Type of Mediums Do You Work With?

I work in a variety of different mediums, mostly because I do a variety of different types of art. Primarily, I work in acrylics, colored pencils, alcohol markers, ink, and graphite, but sometimes I work with watercolors, oil pastel, scrapbook paper, and charcoal.